Thursday, August 30, 2012

If you try hard it's worthless

Isn't it worse enough to try
not to think about you
all the time?

I can bare imagine myself
and all that stubborn mediocre life

I felt like crying but nothing came out. It was just a sort of sad sickness, sick sad, when you can’t feel any worse. I think you know it. I think everybody knows it now and then. But I think I have known it pretty often, too often.

(Charles Bukowski)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Diálogo II

- Não tá fácil pra ninguém.
- Nunca foi.

(te evitando para me encontrar)

Não descer do bloco
para não te cumprimentar.
Subir pelas escadas
pois você está no elevador.
Sair pela garagem
para não te ver no térreo.
Não levar o cachorro pra passear
porque seu vizinho
também levou.
Ficar no apartamento
para não te encontrar
na padaria.

Nicolas Behk

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

O fio que me liga

Às voltas com interruptores,
tomadas abertas 
e fios desencapados, 
na esperança de que, 
em algum lapso de atenção,
eu receba um choque tão forte 
que me faça ver o mundo 
de ponta-cabeça.
É como li ontem, ou dia desses,
"A vida é um fio desencapado caído na rua em noite de chuva".

Kate Bush and her father

Monday, August 27, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

I hate them all

I'm tired of everyone I know
Of everyone I see
on the street
and on TV, yeah

On the other side
On the other side
Nobody's waiting for me
On the other side

I hate them all
I hate them all
I hate myself for hating them

So I'll drink some more
I love them all
I'll drink even more
I'll hate them even more than I did before

On the Other Side
The Strokes

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Redescobrir você mesmo
e reviver sua própria vida.
Voltar aos velhos e ordinários hábitos.

Que saudade de mim!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

O caminho

acho, agora, que o caminho 
tem de ser mais fácil.
mais simples.
e que a poeira 
- dessa estrada -
nunca cesse.
porque, bem, acho que assim 
é a vida.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Um dia de cada vez.
Como os drogados, alcoólatras, maníacos.

Um dia de cada vez. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Plano cartesiano da tolerância

Somando duas funções, o resultado está no quadrante.

The Part of You, You Don't Own

Para Sergio Marino, meu último adeus.

You don't know. But, I've been stealing. 
I've saved a smile of yours. 
A frown from behind that desk. 
Your face, your eyes, that scar. 
The tilt of your head, from yesterday, at 15 degrees. 
That mole on your neck. 
The smell of your hair, and the wind that blew through it. 
The vibrations of your voice. 
A tear, and the light that shone off it. 
Your walk, that walk. 
Your words, every word. 
Your laugh, your gasp. 
The way you sound when you're out of breath. 
A little song you'd hummed just the other day. 
That clumsy skip you made on your way. 
A weird noise. A feisty reply. 
A really funny, awkward goodbye. 
A silly "huh?", a helpless "why?". 
A stubborn "No", a silent cry. 
A look of anger on your face. 
A look of sorrow, of peace... 
A look of turbulence, a look of hope. 
And a naked look of love. 
I've taken a million snapshots of you in my head. 
I've recorded your every word, heartbeat and footstep. 
I have exhausted my memory space with you. 
And I've stolen every second I could. 
And saved you, in a place safe even from time. 
And in this moment, this ache. It's mine. 
Mine to cherish. Mine to keep. 
Mine to live with. 
There's a part of you, you do not own. 
And this part of you... is mine.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Something Happened

Something happened to us.
A broken glass.
Our last tear.

Something happened to us.
As modern novels say,
the young boy is afraid of living.

The Change

"Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go."

Monday, August 6, 2012

Pierrot le fou

Qu'est-ce que je peux faire?
Je sais pas quoi faire.

Qu'est-ce que je peux faire?
Je sais pas quoi faire.

Qu'est-ce que je peux faire?
Je sais pas quoi faire.

For me

come to me
and tell me you're all

Friday, August 3, 2012

You are your body

That awkward moment when you realise you're a weirdo and can feel sad and happy at the same time.