Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hoje, 20 de junho.

Esses últimos dias tenho vivido como se fosse num filme. Ou pelo menos sentido como.
Clima chuvoso, frio, árvores molhadas, os sapatos sujos de lama. Sujos de alma.
A sensação doente que não passa, em momento algum, e que não fica, seja quando for.
Esta dubitável oscilação entre o estar e não estar.

Eu só precisava disso, falar. Se não te tenho mais, et je m'excuse d'être ainsi répétitif, tentarei ter a mim.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The non-happy poem

I'm not happy, I ought to affirme.

I wouldn't say I'm unhappy, for the weight of this affirmation is too stately and I don't want to be responsable for that.

I'm not happy, I'd say.

An unhappy person is that who already gave up on happiness, or is near to do this. 

The non-happy person lives in their own imature hope.

Friday, June 8, 2012

One is the loneliest number so am I

One is the loneliest number
that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one
it's the loneliest number
since the number one
"No" is the saddest experience
you'll ever know
Yes, it's the saddest experience
you'll ever know
Because one is the loneliest number
that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number
that you'll ever know

It's just no good anymore
since you went away
Now I spend my time
just making rhymes of yesterday (one by one by one)
Because one is the loneliest number
that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number
that you'll ever know
One is the loneliest number
One is the loneliest number
One is the loneliest number
That you'll ever do
One is the lonelist number
much, much worse than two
One is a number divided by two

(Life isn't easy when two are divided
And one has decided to bring down the curtain
And one thing's for certain
There's nothing to keep them together)

Monday, June 4, 2012

How to control you anger

1. Learn to recognize when you are feeling stressed – this will help you to reduce your stress before it is expressed as destructive anger.

2. Work on developing your empathy – trying to see things from another’s perspective often helps to dissipate intense emotions.

3. Decide to respond instead of react – although the way we react often feels automatic, we can actually choose how we’ll think, feel and respond. This is empowering and the road to freedom.

4. Change your self talk – listen to the conversation in your head and learn to modify extreme, unbalanced thoughts. Look for exceptions to “you always” thinking, and reframe “you must” or “you should” demands.

5. Learn to be assertive – honest and open communication about your wishes, needs and preferences can stop resentment building – so it doesn’t turn to anger.

6. Adjust your expectation – often anger is triggered by a difference between our expectations and what we actually get. Thus, sometimes it is better to adjust our expectations so they’re more in line with reality.

7. Forgiving doesn’t also mean forgetting – although it is healthy to sometimes let things go, that doesn’t mean we weren’t hurt, upset or offended. The difference is we’re choosing to move on with our lives, and we’re not being controlled by external eventes.

8. Remove yourself from the situation – retreating temporarily or “talking time-out” provides some space to think about the “best thing to do”. Thus, you maintain control of yourself and circumstances.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Eu prefiro ser Clark Kent

Enquanto o Homem-Aranha se utiliza de fantasia para ser um super herói, o Super-Homem se fantasia de Clark Kent para ser um humano. É uma bela metáfora para mostrar como alguns de nós têm uma espécie de super-herói com superpoderes dentro de si. E outros não.